My Stage My Life
2024年02月29日(木) 19:30 開演
S.ドナウディ: O del mio amato ben/私の愛する日々/いつまた君に会えるだろう
V.ベッリーニ : マリンコニ-ア/棄てられて
P.マスカーニ: オペラ「カヴァレリア・ルスティカーナ」より
“アヴェ・マリア”(間奏曲) / “ママも知るとおり”
レオンカヴァッロ:朝の歌 クルティス:帰れソレントへ
S.カルデッロ:カタリカタリ(つれない心) クルティス:あなたが大好き
ジェニファー・ヒグドン: rapid◆fire[フルート]
F.ショパン: エチュード 第12番 「革命」 Op.10-12 ハ短調
R.シューマン:幻想曲 ハ長調 Op.17より、第1楽章
moon tour stage is one of the most beautiful scenes I have seen in my life🌘
Latoya Fits
February was Amazingg for me because I started ignoring/letting my problems that I clearly can't control be (roll God fixes all that.) and focusing on the good in my life🥹so happy to finally be in that stage of life where I am applying this lesson.
The idea of a woman sponsoring 40-60% of her wedding sounds so ridiculous to me when my goal in life is not to spend a dime. Spending personal money on ceremonies at that age/stage in life is such a very poor financial decision imo.
yeh sab parhlo please
tumne mujhe meri life k itne crucial stage pe chordiya, u were everything i had my only support system my only everything, and tumne dhoka dekr jhoot bolkr kisi aur ka sath dena shuru bhi kardiya yeh kese kardiya tumne meri jaan thein tum
Ash⛓️Working on breaking the chains⛓️
Kuroshitsuji stage was the first and only stage I've been into when I was a teen. Listening to Uehara in battle emceez reminded me of it and how I completely forgot about that period of my life and the things I used to love
Current stage of my life
The problem is my life won’t reach a ‘relationship’ stage but will end with date.
If dating can be considered as evaluating phase, I fail terribly to be a better mate -
I’m at the stage of my life where instead of manifesting a romantic getaway in this kinda weather, I’m more excited about just getting home and sit in front of a heater with a plate of pakoray and chai in front of me.
I wish I would’ve done carpentry at some stage in my life, there’s so many DIY projects I want to do but I know I’ll get one splinter and give up 😂
Jacob 🌌
>.< my life is like a video game, trying hard to beat the stage, all while i'm still collecting coins, *coin grabbing noise* >.<
chiara ♡ | hwasa's wife 🖤
Torn because I wanna enjoy life with my baby after his newborn stage but at the same time how naman eh babalik na ako sa school next sem (which im very much looking forward to)???
Dlor, pahingi naman ng sign dyaaaarn -
Tim Maixner
I failed my own advice for the past years
Networking works best in REAL LIFE
I never attended crypto events
"Most of them tell BS on stage anyway."
"It’s all marketing."
I would just focus on trading and make money
My attitude changed when I made huge deals on real life… -
Funnily enough I am at a stage in my life where I will happily start taking mdma again, all the time. 24/7
Listen,I love my current body so much. Girlies, I hope you caress and speak gentle words to yourself when oiling your body. Whichever form, shape or size. Whatever stage in life you’re at. I love looking at naked me in the mirror and admiring. Such art 🥰
• Cнloé •
Haven't been on much lately, I've been in the cardiac ward & they came to a conclusion that I have long-standing atrial ventricular block, stage 3, they want to implant an ICD & a pacemaker w Rx. Don't think it will save my life. Can't take much more stress. It's scary #VoteBlue
currently entering the most mature and adult like stage of my life and it feels amazing....
littlenudge ∞/21M
I am in the stage of my life where I think Zuckerberg has more integrity than Brian Armstrong.
Vincent DGreat
This current stage of my life wants me to pray more, work smarter & say less. 🔞
One of my oldest friend’s mom passed away yesterday, a mother figure to me since I was 9. Listening to funeral arrangements today just felt so unreal. Just hit me that we’re really at this stage of life now- we’ve all had the best days w/our friends, hard days are coming too
just listened to voice recordings from my manic stage in early 2022. man... never cried this hard in my life
how am i here? that mf pulled himself out of the fire. he fucking did it. im so proud of him
and i must do it again. the stakes have never been higher. we are so back -
My entire childhood. My poor family member I am currently in the “Just do it” phase of my life as nieces and nephews have entered the stage 😂
I think rn I’m at a stage in my life where I really need to just keep loving myself,
because i’ve already given so much love to others for it to not work in the end and to just keep giving love to the people around me that care,
until someone will match the love that I bring❤️ -
jorge salgado ✌✌
Being 2:00 am, a new stage of my life begins, my challenge of my personal transformation begins before my birthday. 💪🏼💪🏼💪🏼🧠
Bodell Helene
‘Bodybuilding changed my life – I went from bikini fear to stripping off on stage at 51’
‘rera taylor💐🫶🏻(PBD/1210)
I am so protective over this current version of me. It took a lot of mental, emotional, and spiritual work for me to get to this stage. So if I come off as if I’m too good for certain people, situations, events, conversations, whatever…it’s because at this point in my life I am.
maryam #CONSCIOUSNation
I’m at that stage in my life where my elders are growing old and I’ll have to face their deaths soon and then I’ll be the new elders oh gosh idk if I’m ever ready for it ☹️☹️☹️
Sophie William
This new month of march will be a month of Favor, and grace amen 🙏🏼Happy New month
Affirmation:My life is changing into a new stage of breakthrough and success.. my time is now
#follow #explore #follo4folloback -
Leeah 🦋
Quick to go MIA, at the age and stage of my life where I need to prioritize — my life needs to be properly aligned as much as possible right now so I can relax in my 30s
Emma Rottenberg
At a stage in my life when turning the dishwasher on after dinner in the evening and listening to music during the last work session of the day usually 22:00- 02:00 give me a great source of comfort.
Mitski is really onto something here 💄🫦 -
akvarella : ᚱᚨᚢᛞᚨᛋ
My life will only truly begin at 30. This all still seems like only a larval stage.
I can't believe I've reached that stage in life where I want to be w someone just so that I can share interesting news articles with them and have discussions around them. I have turned into my parents 😭😭
Whenever I think about how James Gunn knows me, I get mega stage fright.
Like I can be chillin one second, then remember it and I'm like "Holy shit...That shouldn't actually be happening in MY life..."
And I tell myself that I don't deserve such an honor.
But I earned it. :) -
I think I'm going to call this stage of my life: denial
𝓒𝔥𝔞𝔫𝔡 🫡
My friends and I are at that stage in life where we talk about marriage and they asked me if I were willing to be the sole breadwinner while my husband stayed at home
YES. As long as I’m cared for sexually and emotionally, I don’t mind.
As long as.. no kids. -
Thank you for being a good friend ❤️ I am glad I have you in my life . I can’t wait to make more memories with you. 🤍 You are sweet , kind , and have a big heart. Can’t wait to see you on stage with Logan as his WWG🤍 -
happy 30th birthday to the man who changed my life. I can’t believe I grew up with you and been through every stage of your life with you. I’m so incredibly proud of the man you have become and you deserve nothing but love and happiness🤍🎉I love you so much #HappyBirthdayJustin
Seeeeeeeeeeeee Burna’s stage presence?????? Lordddd. I just had the best time of my life!!!!!
K.R. Byers
“At this stage of my life at age 48, I’m a man of logic. I tend to believe things based on science and fact. I am not easily swayed into believing anything far-fetched. I’m college-educated and have had quite a few life experiences to…” — @jasonprovencio
Hey @Pauly0x, I have proof that the same Tradoor that pulled LP from $PNDX just yoinked LP from $PORK.
Nobody wants the smoke, can’t get a stage to save my life 🤣🤣
💨💨💨 -
hussein omar
Only God knows that I am at a very important stage in my life. The changes that have occurred to me a few days ago have shown that what is coming is the time to reach important practical goals, but God also knows that I am in dire need of them.
It reminded me of a stage in my life...
Humour Central
At that stage where the thing I want most in my life is peace and money.
Brett Nicholson
I think I said this same thing at this same stage of my life many many decades ago.
I salute you, wise schoolchild. -
Quarantina 😈
I'm at the stage in my life that I can't go to bed without dessert
stan ferdinand von aegir 2024
At this stage in my life if a book can make me care and root for a main heterosexual couple enough to finish it I will consider it a good book even if the plot is a toothpick tower held together by wishes and spit
Take me back to when Parker and Koe played at the river stage…. Those were the best years of my life
JaJa 🌬
can’t wait for this stage of my life with my wife
Ryan Little
When I die, cremate me and turn my ashes into an hourglass. I could be an egg timer, or a stage prop. That way I can still be a useful part of someone's life, while also serving as a reminder that everyone's time runs out eventually.
I can’t wait to see people reaction when I get married and have a baby like what y’all thought I was boutta sit around look stupid & be in the dating stage my whole life? IMA WIFE👁️💜🩷
Hours unchained
For this second life
Where I dance on stage
With my phantom wife -
Wyatt Easton
#EDCLV2024 @PasqualeRotella @EDC_LasVegas circuit grounds familyyyy lets goooo!! First stage i ever witnessed at edc 17 and it changed my life
I would go NUTS if I got side stage acces to Lady Faith and Da Tweekaz! 😭🫶 PLS wasteland is my home for 3 days!
I will LOVE YOU FOREVER I'm like the tallest people hanging on the rail for dear life 😭
@insomniacevents -
Alliance Bank's Exciting Brand Refresh Aims To Help You Hit Your Financial Goals For 2024
Whether you're a parent, partner, or content creator, the bank wants to support you through every stage of your financial journey.
Read more here: -
Deliciously Savvy
🙌I am feeling like the Stag right now! Just seem to be going through that stage in my life where I am battling some health issues but pulling through and healing! #SenseOfSelfer #ViralityBoost AD
I’m at the stage in my life where I’m not worried about nobody but me and mine. Im tired of being there and over extending myself to everybody! Mfs don’t even check to see how me and my son doing but expect me to keep being there! I’m only worried about who worried about ME😘
James Rhymer
At this stage in my life, I mostly play tcgs in person for the social and tactile experience. I started test recording gameplay today while running different games. I’m curious, do people want to see videos like these with voiceover? 😄
#lorcana #starwarsunlimited #tcg -
My Stage My Life
Julie Dodson
Thrilling gains await! Sign up now with by signing up with my referral code and setting the stage for a life of extraordinary crypto gains at this very moment at this very moment #Binance
Zoray Nicole👑
4 years ago today I got on stage and sang my own songs for the first time in front of a crowd and it changed my life forever
Niggas take so much pride nowadays in arguing I’m at a stage in my life where you can be right, you can take more, you can say you won just let me have some peace I don’t wanna be right I just wanna talk sometimes
수 • スー • Su ☄️ deukae in Paris/Brussels 🥹 • 🇵🇸
It's weird, I'm no longer in that '___ saved my life' stage of my life anymore, somehow i feel like it's... Contradicting... To love deukae so much even though they're not my depression cure anymore. But I realized it's something else.
In a comfortable stage in my life , time to shake things up again 🕙
Denzel 🇧🇸🇭🇹
My biggest regret in life is not throwing my jockey on stage at that Meg thee stallion concert they had out west
Jerrie Cross
Conquer the crypto frontier with Join the crypto revolution with by signing up with my referral code and setting the stage for a life of extraordinary crypto gains together! #Binance
🌳Europe tour through fan’s lens for Fa&Char🌳
"I don't know what the future holds, but what I know is that as long as I can enjoy life, anywhere is my stage."
-Fala Chen
#อิงฟ้ามหาชน #EngfaWaraha
@EWaraha #engloteurope -
I apparently have entered the grumpy geriatric stage in my life 😂 #cbj
little lamb
i think i’m done with rats at this stage in my life. i really love them, but as i am maturing and trying to find rentals/set my life up, its hard with rats as most rentals wont allow them in a lease. i will keep belladonna and Morrissey of course, but after them i need a break.
Akantantt Odaran🍃
I’ve gotten to that stage in life that i no longer hide anything from anybody. 😂
I no really send your papa before, My mama wey dey calm me don go rest. -
Sha Sha 🐈⬛🐈⬛
THIS has quickly become my favorite TZUYU fancam like you can literally see baby girl having the time of her life performing this part of the choreo 🥹 Our dear Tzuyu whose confidence shines on stage! 💙
KIMMY 키미딸기♡
Why are exo-ls like this 😅😅😅 i hope they stop setting up exo like this 😅😅 gets naman na di okay yung encore stage nung group na yun pero ba't need ipasok exo sa usapan. Let my ahjussis have their peaceful life na hahahahah
Cool Dude, Cool 'Tude
Every stage of my life has been filled with the thought "I wanna be Jack Black when I'm older."
i gotta draw more fr fr where did my buff go guys? i've hit that stage in every artists life where they used to draw almost everyday but now only draw like once a month LMFAO
JJ rants🔻
I’ve reached the stage of my life where I have to text my friends and tell them I’m back in the country so that we can make plans again lmao
I mastered it y’all 🥹 this been the longest month of my life but today I finish the last of my make up hours & walk the stage Sunday… I’m so proud of me
Bea Dangerous
Im at the stage of my life where I can say I don't care.....& Genuinely mean it.
At this stage in my life, if I catch one bad vibe…
I’m out. -
Elva Jerome
Ignite the spark of success with Trade with Wondrous success! Join by signing up with my referral code and setting the stage for a life of extraordinary crypto gains without hesitation without hesitation #Binance
Braeden Caley
A lifetime of deep contributions to Canadian public life, our democracy, and our relationships on the world stage. My heartfelt condolences to all of Mr. Mulroney’s family, friends, and former colleagues 🇨🇦
But why everybody telling me or asking me if I can't behave? Meen do or say nothing. I definitely don't want them kinda traction in my direction cuz I gone pass that stage so long ago... onto different things in my life.
♦️ ......I once lost my life as an idol, but now I am standing on stage again thanks to those who love and support me.
Still not watching any #ErasTour videos on here or the movie. I’m going to go to #erastour2024london and stand on my 50 year old feet in the left of the stage (so you know where to find me @taylornation13 🤣) and scream, sing and live my best #swiftie life. Eek. @taylorswift13
"Hi im $WOLF and this is my crazy life."
"Soon i will be back on the main stage ready to perform for all my fans again!!!"
Goner. // Ушёл. ❔
"Out, out, brief candle! Life's but a walking shadow, a poor player that struts and frets his hour upon the stage. And then is heard no more: it is a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing." // One of my fav lines in Macbeth.
koi heard science live
I’d like to note.
Last night was literally the best night of my life, that silly little Irish man wasn’t even on stage and j was shaking+crying -
Story of my life but I’m still at Milksi stage 😂
I can’t wait until I get past whatever this stage is in my life rn.
Reach stage to feel God's present always -
At this stage of my life, I already know what you have to tell me unless i decide to be ignorant. 🤧
The kind lessons wey God dey open my eyes to now at this stage in my life,i can only be thankful cos i can’t imagine growing up escaping this reality of life called lessons
God in heaven i don’t take any of these blessings for granted 🤲🏾 -
Edy Nathan, MA, LCSW, CST
Some days, even the "rest of my life" stage can feel like the "beginning" all over again. Grief is a bumpy ride.
De’Jah Chatman
The first stage of being single is always the toughest 😭 I’m fighting for my life 😂
i can’t wait to turn up 20 mins before niall comes on stage w a drink in my hand living my best life
Mane Im deadass 6’5 n 6’8 in my platforms I wanna live this stage life Even my mom said i got da swag
Filing taxes at my stage in life is a headache. I use to be like the ratchets and waited for my refunds. These days I owe! Thanks Joe Biden 🤦🏾♂️ . #Taxes #Tax #money
𝗡 𝗮 𝗿 𝗶 𝘀 💕
This stage of my life is called “Academic danger” ⚠️ 😭
Lauren Parker
Update! Since I work for myself I made today a holiday for me! I did a little shopping, worked on crocheting my friend’s dog hat for his birthday, agreed to stage manage a youth production of Matilda, and hung out with at my friend’s theater while we caught up on life. 😁
Marciano Weber
Fun seeing them grow in their friendships, relationshios, jobs, and differing homes. It was crazy to see the fashion, technology, and hairstyles evolve. To my friends in every stage in my life, “They don’t know that we know that they know.” (Post 3 of 3) #friends #friendstvshow
Yellow Glasses
All of this is life-giving.
But that anime run????? I woulda thrown my bra on the stage! 😭😭😭😭 -
J. Kush
In the last stage of my disability claim. My life is in the VA's hands now, and honestly, it scares tf outta me. Last time, they denied me and well, my depression and PTSD got worse.
over this stage in my life!
"Hey rappers, looking for beats that set the stage for your lyrical prowess? Let's collaborate and bring your vision to life. Slide into my DMs and let's make some hits! 💥🎶 #beats #rap #collab"
October 5th
I am so protective over this current version of me. It took a lot of mental, emotional, and spiritual work for me to get to this stage. So if I come off as if I’m too good for certain people, situations, events, conversations, whatever…it’s because at this point in my life I am.
Anybody wey I dey follow do talking stage this period go tire 😂😭
It’s everyday something is happening to me. My life rn is very funny and chaotic. There’s always gist.
This Lagos is not good for my mental health dawg. I need to travel asap. -
Anybody wey I dey follow do talking stage this period go tire 😂😭
It’s everyday something is happening to me. My life rn is very funny and chaotic. There’s always gist.
This Lagos is not good for my mental health dawg. I need tot ravel asap. -
a = another world is possible
A conundrum of my current life/career stage is that I am doing tons of reading and teaching about readings that get me so excited about writing and research, but have basically no time or support to do those things. Hoping to bottle up some of this inspiration for later 🫙
Luis Alcada (the Icebreaker guy)
Had the worst fever of my life for 4 days. Barely able to eat, drink, or stay awake.
Anyone know at what point a GP will do something useful? Online says 3 days but I'm guessing they'll just recommend paracetamol at that stage? -
the fool
My silent prayer is answered
My mind is fading fast
A soldier on the stage of life
Departing from the cast
My life it ‘ whirls ‘ before me
I don’t have no regrets
My end comes as a soldier
Back here amongst ‘ The Vets ! ‘ -
I take pride in being a present dad & I’ve done my best to enjoy every stage of Jeter’s life but even so, I look at pics of when he was younger & it’s crazy to me how fast time has gone by. Shantay gna have to give me another baby cause I need to experience this again.
BJ Barango - The Showman🎙
I am at a stage in my life where peace is paramount in every aspect of my living. Please tell me, why do I keep meeting people who just force me into spaces where chaos rules?
I’m just in a different stage of my life and what I want are all necessities, I ain’t accepting anything short of that.
Sage Despatches
In an effort to prolong my life I try to keep my salt intake to a minimum. This has led to a growing fascination of spices & herbs. I haven't reached the stage of purchasing a spice rack but I suspect that day is coming.
Today I'm using a cheeky little mix of basil & tarragon. -
At this stage of my life, I catch one bad vibe…
I’m out. -
Being a good parent, in my opinion, starts in this stage of my life:
I make sure I have a good relationship with my siblings so they can’t become distant relatives and try to steal my fortune I’m gonna leave to my children after my wife and I die in a mysterious house fire. -
me in my weird stage of life where my days aren't bad but not great either
I have literally gotten to this stage of my life where I’m so unbothered…. You send messages, you delete the messages 😂
Omo na you sabi o -
- NO situationship
- NO talking stage
- NO residual feelings for an Ex
- NO placeholders
- NO short/long distance relationship
- NO headaches/heartaches/disrespect
I am the love of my life & I got some nice sex toys with the best batteries! -
ALS News today
In a raw and vulnerable reflection, James Clingman shares why he’s gotten to the “What’s the point?” stage of ALS:
#als #amyotrophiclateralsclerosis #alscommunity #livingwithals #alsawareness -
Ii am at that stage of life where my only hobby is cleaning and cooking.
Ronald Leon
I can't wait for this party, but I'm sure I won't see the month going away, I've got a lot of work to do before that. At this stage of my life I'm really busy, I'm negotiating with serious players almost every day, but I love this life!
Talented people don't wear Gucci @uniaptio -
minutiae militia
Between the cold and the non union background and spring and this new fucked up grief stage where I am sad my dad is dead again I feel a weird nostalgia for potential and steering my life. I don't know what is next anymore. I am on a psychic gulf of the unknown.
kev ✯
i hope no world altering events happen now that i'm about to graduate college and enter the next stage of my life ! (for reference, i graduated high school in 2020)
my life is like a video game trying hard to beat the stage
Here's a little peak behind the scenes for this senational show which is coming to The Plaza on Monday 18th March
taylor 🖤
I’m 26 any relationship at this stage in my life needs to be mutual beneficial whether romantic or platonic so idk y y’all feel like just bc your “vibe” is cool that I give a fuck about u not being in my life. I don’t, at all.
Vëndjii Kandetu 🤍
Lol, we are really at the stage of insuring our devices etc. together. Love it for us. So much growth. My little life. 🤍
Indigo's Moon Wants More⁷.
I hate where I am currently. This stage of my life. I hate it a lot. Just empty empty and alone
at this stage in my life
Zain Rajput
I'm at that stage of my life, jahan koi aa rhaw hai yan jarhaw hai koi frq nhi par rhaw.
What is this stage of my life?
I broke a promise to myself regarding keeping up with having my hair trimmed; but I’m at a stage in life where instead of punishing myself I might reward myself just for acknowledging my failure.
Lizzie Grose
Open the doors to prosperity with Join the crypto revolution with by signing up with my referral code and setting the stage for a life of extraordinary crypto gains before the opportunity slips away! #Bybit
julesssss ⟡
I’ve reached a point in my life where I dream about rockstars instead of meaningless fluff.
For instance last night I was playing guitar on stage with Jimmy Page and George Harrison. They were laughing and hugging each other while I kept messing up my chords -
Filiz Acar the real E-STAR
Breda Eiffe
Get off your Podium @tcdsu
This book from my hometown, Kells is about the life and teachings of Christ. I strongly object to this bizarre hijacking of our famous Bible. No to #culturalmisappropriation
Lil Intro Vert 🦇💓
it dawned on me at a early stage in life that I would have to share a space on earth with ppl like this and this and anger just filled my lil body up. Never left
chesina mistakes valla lost imp things in my career nd evrythng went out of hands.depressed,cried,gave up nd went to suicidal stage. bt something made me to stood by myself adi e roju nak second chance ochindi life lo 2nd chance untadi ante nammale bt god gave me wt i lost❤️🙏
Alex Zapata
I’m at the stage in my life where all I think about is finances. I’m getting married in 6 weeks, we want to do some reno work to our house, we have two expensive destination weddings where we are in wedding party & kids….
Already knew I had to work hard but just a reminder -
my girly having the time of her life on stage 😭🫶🏼
I know I’m in another stage of life, now that I start my mornings with jazz 😚
💕💰 Cleopatra Dash 💰💕
February helped me to purge a lot of things and set the stage for what’s to come.
March will definitely be Madness for me. Ready to accomplish all the goals I set for myself and to live life without limits.
I have no fear left in my heart for anything.
#MarchMadness 2024 -
Hugging another man on the planet of Dupnair is what I never envisioned I would be doing at this stage of my life but the game is the game. #HELLDIVER2
like i have no idea what to do on one hand i'm in a very different stage of my life where it also feels formative on the other hand it feels like there's pieces of it that are just bringing me down and idk where the line between self care and selfish is
At the stage of my life where my salary breakup affects me more than relationship breakup.
is it okay to ugly cry at a Nicki Minaj show bc i've been to two big shows in my life (5 Seconds Of Summer and Lady Gaga) and i bawled but I know i'll lose my shit when i see Nicki on stage 😭😭
Uñcle Lu
I’m in my Unc stage in life I don’t get dressed unless it’s some where nice
My goal is not to gain attention, go viral or to become popular. The goal at this stage in my life is to create something that can help a person.
I don’t care if it’s only 10, 5 or just 1.
My intentions are to use my emotional intelligence to help others find their own. -
head so full of my stage dahyun i forgot there was a live today fuck my life
It’s all confirmed. I’m so nervous for this stage In my life, feel like I’ve changed, proper adult. Been an adult for a while now but having my dream job that’s a proper career, really is scary. I’m so excited ☺️
Redneck Rogue Elf, 🐿 Whisperer
I've reached that stage in my music life that I'm now listening to Anime opening theme songs as they're brilliant works of art.
Next stop, finding the band/studio and being a different type of music snob. Time to start a trend😏 -
I have finally reached the stage of my life where i understand the people who get vitamin IV drips
Actor Marquie Releford
I'm at the stage in my life where you can get the fucc from around me🤷🏾♂️
At my "ismy itna kya sochna" stage of life
Out of all the fun I’ve had with this dude I think this is one of my fav photos, it just captures such a joyful moment being back sharing the stage together well over a month after the EU tour that was so special ended. Life never stops suprising and im so grateful🩷 📸 @laaavend
If you're still angry with me for things I wondered about during a different stage in my life, I'm probably better off without you anyway.
Danny from Jersey
In 1979 Richard Lewis made a movie called Diary of a young comic. That inspired me to want to be a comic. I may not have succeeded, but my admiration for him never faded. A true original who made it ok to get on stage and be honest about life and make it funny. RIP Richard.
bri 𓇢𓆸 ♡
this stage of my life is being the husband and the housewife 😅
Jamie Jackson
14 yrs of negligence, incompetence and inadequacy, has profoundly impacted my life.
I am so so sick of it, everything is broken & racism is normal, we’re a laughing stock on the world stage. How does power convince labour to use their vote to keep power in power. We are turkeys. -
Harshabi food Empire
I am so protective over this current version of me. It took a lot of mental, emotional, and spiritual work for me to get to this stage. So if I come off as if I'm too good for certain people, situations, events, conversations,'s because at this point in my life I am.
i need to start making coffee, i think I'm in that stage of my life now
Digital Oppression
Ive been approved to move forward into the experienced trader stage 🚀
Thanks to the help of @AiArbitrageBot I was able to utilizing FAIT to complete my evaluation challenge. Im Super Duper Excited for this next stage in my life!!!
#forextrading #utility #AI #A2BT -
The Gospel Of Nilotic
I’m at “you know what let it play out” stage in my life
🔑 The Truth
Lol I’m definitely at the stage in life where I need these type of videos for my lower back.
im an idol and youre my ex parasocial fan sacrificing your life on stage infront of my venue from protecting me from my other parasocial fan thats come to stab me because she thought i was “cheating” on her ASMR
Olivia Gran
Dancing together again... Nothing feels more real and strong that having you in my arms! See you all very soon performing all around the UK and in London at the Peacock theater on 30th March. BELIEVE, Graziano's life dancing on stage.💥Get your tickets💥
I’m at a stage in my life
Where i just want to be very quiet😓 -
Eat Ezekiel Cannabis Leaf🍃then God Heals Nations
I am pretty sure we have been @ Stage 10 of Genocide all my life. 1936 Bureau of Narcotics classified Ezekiel leaf Cannabis as Narcotic Marijuana ... Trump Crime Bill changed it back to Narcotic Cannabis.
Eat leaf of Cruciferous Vegetable Weed is Chemo Prevention. -
Author Benjamin Ryan
Good morning!
If you could go back to any stage / age in your life for a redo, would you?
Idk if I would. All of my mistakes led me to here… -
Ifeanyi Arinze
I really want to get a guitar but my family is not as enthusiastic about it. I don't know, but I feel like I need to get it at this stage of my life. I just need one push and I will be getting it with my next paycheck. Damn the consequences
When they came crawling back into your life once you have moved on. The best thing that had ever happened because when i saw him again. I felt nothing. Not even sadness. They look so normal to me. It shows that im at the happiest stage of my life right now. Content
Giz NeCole
my stage of life
Brian and Stacey
at the stage of my life where i need to either experiment with a dude or stop call myself bicurious i really want to experiment with a dude but don't know how to find someone any one interested in helping me with this no strings attached hmu
Abhishek Maiti
Life update: today was my last day at @LinkedIn . Wonderful 2 years learning about ML in content moderation and big tech. Time for some early stage action now :)
Marciano Weber
Fun seeing them grow in their friendships, relationshios, jobs, and differing homes. It was crazy to see the fashion, technology, and hairstyles evolve. To my friends in every stage in my life, “They don’t know that we know that they now.” (Post 3 of 3) #friends #friendstvshow
Last day playing games and getting active on internet I got some important exams on June that my future depends on starting with March 1st I won't be that active maybe not more than 1h . Cya Twitter 2024 is the beginning of a new stage in my life
They been hating on me since my stage name. ELSE VICTOR. Which in their weak ass mind means I can’t lose “VICTOR” but in MY world it’s my initials. Yaw suck so bad a life. Quit being a fckn hater and live. Go to an ice cream parlor and chill u fckn hating ass roach
i entered that stage of my life where i drink coffee w no sugar n drink it as a dessert
♀️ 🇩🇪غدير الخشتي🇩🇪
I'm at the "we'll see" stage in my life With everything and everyone.We will see.
Nin 🦊
My phone has hit the stage of having a shit battery life and not charging 😞
how did it even get to this stage oh my god if this ever happened to me, you will never hear from me again.
i am exiting this life forever -
Her Husband 🇯🇲
This current stage of my life requires me to pray more, work harder and say less.
Breaking Barriers
🎉 What a night! This was a particularly meaningful award as it recognised how we created the film 'My (Refugee) Life' with a trainee crew of refugees who were involved at each stage of production.
So we dedicate it to you:
🌟 Anteneh
🌟 @zozanyasar
🌟 Willian Gutierrez
🌟 JAA -
My Stage My Life
Lashon Oconnor
Dazzle the crypto world with Trade with Majestic success! Join by signing up with my referral code and setting the stage for a life of extraordinary crypto gains with no second thoughts with no second thoughts #Mexc
Ana Aptsiauri
Let me be very clear: at this stage of my life, nobody's email finds me well 🫶
Avis Hastings
Step into a world where every trade is a success story! Join by signing up with my referral code and setting the stage for a life of extraordinary crypto gains with no second thoughts! #Binance
😇My buddy @davinchy_66 ! How are you?) ArtStyleMimi #486 plays the drums masterfully! This is her life's work! She really wants to perform on the big stage! Will you help Mimi with the PR campaign? She really needs to be noticed!
Bringing Parisian vibes straight to life with my signature navy beanie emblazoned with the iconic city name, I let my natural beauty take center stage in this intimate close-up shot.
Tukisho 18 SNLV
I am so protective over this current version of me. It took a lot of mental, emotional, & spiritual work for me to get to this stage. So if I come off as if I'm too good for certain people, situations, events, conversations, whatever. It’s because at this point in my life I am.
Norwich Theatre
Sir Tim Rice returns to the stage in 2024 with My Life In Muscials - I Know Him So Well! 🤩
With West End singers and music led by Duncan Waugh, Tim Rice is here to take us all on an unforgettable journey of music 🎶
📍Norwich Theatre Royal
📅 5 May 24
🎟️ -
akira bot
Even if you call it small or insignificant...
The "Elysion" that is performed in Siegfeld's hall is...
The biggest and brightest stage that is fitting of me throwing my entire life into. -
I am never this much excited for something in my life...
Rock the stage man 🔥
Dino let's go. ..You handsome man❤️
@pledis_17 @OffWht -
Adekunle Oriyomi
I'm goad to start my online xareer as a social miner on @TheDAOLabs hub. This stage of my life will take me away from seeking and working traditionally to become more of an internet savvy. #DAOVERSE $LABOR #perletti
you can see from my twitter page at what stage in life I am. i started playing cs again.
M3rcy 💅🏽
I have gotten to a stage in my life where I just smile when I see people happy….
No God when! No God abeg! Or am I a plantain?
Because I understand now that things will happen when they should and sometimes when we force things we also need to be prepared for the consequences -
🫧 DJ Brownie
I would just like to thank the universe for putting me on stage with so many of hero’s throughout my life. Tonight got to play with the one and only Ivan Neville, one of my very favorite musicians and people in the world. It was very fun exchanging smiles with him!
Ece Arslan☀️👸
Your laughter is a song playing in my ears,
With your every achievement, my soul dances & cheers,
When you smile, the cloudy sky clears,
Smile, celebrate, sing, jump & dance,
Your life is your stage, push away the noices&fears...
Celebrate ur melodious life everyday! . ★⋆.✨️ -
In this stage of my life many things begin to make sense to me now I see why somethings happened the way they did and that answers alots of my questions
my life is like a videogame i try so hard to beat the stage while still collecting coins
everythin savage
At this stage of my life,if I catch one bad vibe…..
I’m out👌🏾 -
My son is at that stage in his life where he thinks he's tough and unbreakable and has agreed to getting 2 sets of boxing gloves and 1 lot if headgear for himself lol. Could make for a fun / funny video lol
B. Kari Moore
Absolutely no hate to whomever I’m QTing, but I fundamentally cannot understand purposefully interacting with things or people I hate by choice.
At this stage of life, I am very quick to protect my peace & removing unsavory things and people. I’ve only got one me. -
Ka£iyahhh 💕
I hurted for so long in silence to the point where nb could tell i was even hurting & it was like i coun even talk abt it . That had to be the worst stage ever in my life . Im not going bck & im not doing nun of the things i did to get there .
ً ria
I'm at that stage of my life, where I can understand that, why she said "fvck study let's go biyer pirite"🥲
my life is like a video, trying hard to beat the stage
marie 🫵😡 stream Mad by eaJ
Hi @got7 can I request a world tour instead of a comeback once you finish your military sevice?
Don't get me wrong. I would die for a new EP and 1 day or promotion, but my life long dream is to see you on stage.
All 7 of you together + Coco 🥺
Sincerely a GERMAN 🦅🦅🇩🇪🇩🇪 Fan -
Norma Turney
Are you ready to turn every trade into a triumph? Trade with Dazzling success! Join by signing up with my referral code and setting the stage for a life of extraordinary crypto gains in the immediate future in the immediate future #Binance
catrina ♡ 아름다운 영쥬니야 ✨️
THIS is my actual favorite BIGBANG stage of LIFE. I remember showing this to my mom one day and later, I saw her watching it by herself.
Fantastic Baby is my mom's entry to K-pop. Just Big Bang, really lol. -
urfavrainbow :)
i love my friends DOWNNN. and im so glad they are continuing and coming with me to this next stage of life
Orpha Eccott
Unbelievable gains await! Sign up now with by signing up with my referral code and setting the stage for a life of extraordinary crypto gains before the opportunity slips away before the opportunity slips away #Mexc
Leanora Duval
Trade boldly and profit brilliantly with Trade with Mind-blowing success! Join by signing up with my referral code and setting the stage for a life of extraordinary crypto gains before it's too late before it's too late #Bybit
Cathi Goodall
Seize the day with Trade with Majestic success! Join by signing up with my referral code and setting the stage for a life of extraordinary crypto gains before it's too late before it's too late #Mexc
Reeser Burton
‘Bodybuilding changed my life – I went from bikini fear to stripping off on stage at 51’
I feel like there’s no reason to ever stick around and get mistreated by a man but life happens… that’s why that stage is a young bitch sport. Get that heartbreak out the way because I would quite literally throw up at the thought of that still happening in my 30’s.
“There is nothing more painful to me at this stage in my life than to walk down the street and hear footsteps and start thinking about robbery. Then look around and see somebody white and feel relieved”
Jessie Jackson -
Futures Trader
I am at this stage of my life 😌😌
Terrione Simpson
I am so protective over this current version of me. It took a lot of mental, emotional, & spiritual work for me to get to this stage. So if I come off as if I’m too good for certain people, situations, events, conversations, whatever. it’s because at this point in my life. I AM!
I am so protective over this current version of me. It took a lot of mental, emotional, & spiritual work for me to get to this stage. So if I come off as if I'm too good for certain people, situations, events, conversations, whatever. It’s because at this point in my life I am.
In this stage of my life 😣
I only look up to GOD 😦 -
My dog really been here thru every stage of life
Zari 😍
yall im at the stage where i can’t stand my bd or the look of him 😭😭like i wish a bitch come swoop him up out of my life
Been preaching this for ages. Every time you lose a friend it's just an opportunity to find people that fit you better at your current stage of life. It's why I honestly got over losing my main friend circle of like 15 years rather fast since I met much better people immediately.
Me showing my friends yet another man has disappeared from my life after 2 months of the talking stage
Lilima Kishore
Hi this is lilima from Delhi India I am here to seek your support for my fiancé medical treatment who is diagnosed with CKD stage 5. He badly needs treatment to live his life again like all of us.
Amy Ira
‘Bodybuilding changed my life – I went from bikini fear to stripping off on stage at 51’
Apollo Orpheus
My life peaked when @blankemusic took the stage last weekend. As a producer myself I was just at an AWE at the energy he brought to the stage. It was emotional, aggressive and melodic at the same time!!!!
This will forever be a core memory for me!!!! India loved you!!! -
i can’t wait to get to my pixie cut stage of my life 😭😩
I’m at a stage in my life, that I feel like i can conquer anything & everything.
Tessa Nguyen
Dental Surgery Almost Took My Son’s Life #ValveReplacement #ChestSurgery #CoronaryArteryBypass [Video] This is THE hardest video I've ever filmed. It is a story of tragedy but hope as my 16 year old son went from healthy to end stage lung disease in a…
Tisha Sparrow
Are you ready to turn every trade into a triumph? Trade with Magnificent success! Join by signing up with my referral code and setting the stage for a life of extraordinary crypto gains in the blink of an eye in the blink of an eye #Bybit
My cat Shaka is about to get into the stage 4 of his kidney disease. His life expectancy is not going to be too long which is the most painful news. I really want best for him if anything else right now
Nah, not at this stage in my life
Alyssa 🌻
# 1 reason I took the NCIDQ* the minute I was eligible
Just wanted so badly to get to the stage of life where all my learning could be for only me
(*interior design’s certification exams on codes and professional practice. Yes, I do have letters behind my name!) -
Kgabo Mokgatla
You know you have been giving the correct medicine, care, compassion, love, patience and understanding. That’s probably the best medicine you can provide this stage in life. And don’t give up my friend we are all heading that direction, no one can guarantee what will come of us.
My prison mind is fucked. I’m happy that I have stage one cancer. It’s not life. It’s not life without the possibility of parole. It’s not a decade in the cage.
This cancer can be identified and be removed because we caught it so soon.
If this was 1960 I would be more shook -
ForeverThalya. 爱
I am at a very CLEAR & PEACEFUL stage in my life. I’ve never had so much clarity and discipline.
Clean Face 🌻
It’s funny it took me so long to enter the stage of my life where I wear black.
I am at a stage in my life that I see God's hand in everything that concerns me.
Driving through a monsoon like rain today and hearing @mosesblisslive "my life is in your hands" on Spotify and upon coming out of it, Steve Crown's "Imela' came on. What are the odds? Glorry🔥🙏 -
Pricey 🏴🇿🇦 🇳🇱
Cheers South Africa, thanks for the last 46 years, but it’s time to move on, with Rotterdam the place for the next stage of my life 🇳🇱
Justin’s Kidrauhl videos are all SO precious! 🥺 He really was born to be a ⭐️! His stage presence even then just blows me away. Forever grateful that God placed this man in my life to be my role model. He really is such a sweet blessing! ❤️❤️❤️
inezzz🧚🏽♀️ .
I miss my uncle more than ever in this stage of my life frfr
If I could go back and tell my 18 year old self any advice, I'd say "You'll get through this stage eventually. The awkwardness will stay but your passion for writing never left. Don't worry about dating now, you have your whole life"
شهرداری تکریت
I realized how worthless life is when I reached my highest possible career stage. It was then that I noticed I will loose what I gained soon I die. It was then I realized only the the afterlife matters. It was then I started to take my prayers seriously. but it was little late
Sonia Line
5 year ago @jonasbrothers announced they were coming back. My life has been complete ever since.
The first time seeing them on stage again, with my now husband was something special.
Now, my husband and I have traveled to see them and hope to travel some more in 2025! -
Acid Bunny (๑╹ᆺ╹ ) 🧪🔞
in my learning/growth stage of life and whew, I definitely have not used my brain enough like I should have 😮💨
Grits Cheddar👽
Great news Ramily! My cancer has NOT spread beyond my mass. Last week I was Stage 4 and probably had not much time left in my life. With this news my staging will likely go down to a possible Stage 2. 💯I was do for some good news. 🤘
Yay my new vacuum will be arriving soon….i’m at this stage of my life where household appliances excite me
🇵🇬 Flavius ナロコビ
My life was this at one stage
can’t wait to get back in the stage of life when i use to smile at my phone
Reese Niggaspoon 🃏
At the "I need a date to my homies wedding" stage of life. Dear lord
Your 20’s are the best years of your life..
This 20’s ???? This right here ??? The best years of my life ??? I reject it for me and you o🤲🤲me wey never exit broke stage since I enter 20’s ??? God Abeg 😫🙏 -
it’s j’an firehart
We’ve reached the life stage where I need to Google how they want my 1st grader’s math homework done #NoChildLeftBehind #math
Your 20’s are the best years of your life..
This 20’s ???? This right here ??? The best years of my life ??? I reject it for me and you o🤲🤲me wey never exit broke stage since I enter 20’s ??? God Abeg 😫🙏 -
Evia Thorpe
Grand gains await! Sign up now with by signing up with my referral code and setting the stage for a life of extraordinary crypto gains right off the bat right off the bat #Bybit
SRG ♉️
Iam at a stage of life where my parents won’t let me stay happy by taking care of their health
Also I can’t be even sad because they will mess up with their health more if they find me sad.
Everyday, i have to stay fake happy with
no show sadness. -
Venetta Lambton
Witness the magic of consistent gains with Join the crypto revolution with by signing up with my referral code and setting the stage for a life of extraordinary crypto gains in the current instant! #Bybit
Montana Rose
Very proud of myself for finally being at a stage where I know that what’s meant for me will come for me and actually believing it instead of letting my mind make up silly dread induced scenarios about life
i’m at the stage in my life where i refuse to be around negativity.
mindy ♡
need a portable charger cus at the life support tour my phone died whilst madison was still on the stage so i didn’t record boyshit, follow the white rabbit or everything happens for a reason 😭 boyshit and ftwr are on the setlist this tour too so praying my phone stays alive😭
Ava Bishop Stands With Palestine 🇵🇸
Just got home a little bit ago and I’m currently in the “what do I do?” stage of traveling to a convention for a few days in a country 3,000 miles away and meeting a bunch of new awesome people and having the time of my life only to have to come home and not have that #WarriorNun
les misérob
I love @ToucheAmore’s 2016 Album of my life contender Stage Four.
Can’t fathom being domesticated at this stage of my life. My longest adult relationship was four days long and I make $13,000 a year 😭
But being silly goofy all the time is SO fun fr though -
Yusuf Mubaraq
I'm at that stage of my life where being in a relationship is too stressful, Being single is boring and talking to people feels annoying.
This stage of my life now is called BLESSED BEYOND MY IMAGINATION. OLUWA truly dey involved.
Eugena Riseborough
Gear up for a future where every crypto decision leads to success! Join by signing up with my referral code and setting the stage for a life of extraordinary crypto gains in a split second! #Bybit
Human Context
🎓 On graduation day, as I stepped on stage, a sudden heart attack stole my moment. In the blur of faces, I saw my estranged father, tears in his eyes, clapping the loudest. In that instant, life whispered, It's never too late for second chances. #MendingBridgesWithTime
Joe Henry
I’m sad to learn of my brother’s passing. His stage posture notwithstanding, he was a life enthusiast; a deep lover of music as well as laughter. My heart goes out to his wife Joyce, whom he adored and credited for keeping him on the rails.
𝕊𝔦𝔫⁷⁼¹ 🌙
If I don't witness Jimin on stage with my own two eyes I will end my life
Exactly! I don’t think that the saying, “you can’t teach an old dog new tricks” is accurate. We can learn at any stage in life! It’s about putting aside our ego and wanting to improve!
Both young& clients over 70 can and have overcome their lifestyle diseases with my guidance! -
It’s been a year since I was given a bad prognosis (stage 3 cancer). Since then I have gone on to have surgery that proved that my tumors were benign & now I’m somewhat healthy, living my best life & celebrating #BenedictCumberbatchDay! Absolutely grateful I’m alive 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼
i think only kepler can make me cry out of nowhere.
on day 3 my view was closer to the main stage so during bttc when they performed at the extended stage, i looked at them dancing together w such joy and next moment i felt tears running down my face. i’m w these girls for life -
Christi Dunlop
Fuel your financial ambitions with the power of crypto success! Join by signing up with my referral code and setting the stage for a life of extraordinary crypto gains without holding back! #Mexc
During my prime alpha‐chode stage in life(20s), I dreamed of having a massive fish tank filled with Piranhas.
KD 🗡️
I know my heart is too big because at this stage in my life am I still a Chelsea fan? 😔
peanut butter menace 🔞 🔜 TFF
at this stage it seems my entire purpose in life is to be bred
Mary🪐|| NIALL IN 159 DAYS
When Niall’s on stage my life gets better for an hour and a half ❤️
I’ll always consider you lucky for meeting me at this stage of my life.
Any earlier and you would’ve been admitted to a mental😂😂 -
Rowdy 🦁
Please accept birthday wishes from my side also whose birthday is today............
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO THEM 🥳🎉🎊 God will support you at every stage but try to achieve the good things in your life always. 🩵🩵🙇🏻 -
not kailee
it’s so nice being at the stage of my life where I’m financially comfortable enough to only check my bank account balance a few times per month
Paged Soon🩺
At this stage in my life all I say is “hmmm” and “we move”.
Dez, the Creative✨
😭 It's funny how life works. The same shady people at work who expected me to FIGHT for a seat at the table with my name engraved in it now want to fly me out to Vegas to host a roundtable on a stage in front of some CEOs.
What that lil girl say? "Hahaha yeaaah" cuz how funny. -
❤️Candid❤️My husband always taking pictures of me and loves capturing moments like this with me on snapchat and onlyfans teasing the guys😈I genuinely share the real events of my life and never stage anything. After 2 years now I have hours of NO PPV real Hotwife videos on my OF
i am at that stage of my life where i don't care about what you think of me. if you like me as I am, perfect. if not, goodbye.
I'm currently at "zyada se zyada kya hi ho jayega" stage of my life.
Anno Mi!
I’m at the stage of my life where I keep myself out of arguments.
Even if you tell me 1+1=5
You are absolutely correct, Enjoy
#RulesToLeaveBy 🤷🏼♀️
山脇美葉 ピアノリサイタル